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Sunday, February 17, 2008

Headline News About Golf

Featured Golf Article

You will find a lot of easy tips and techniques in this eBook to quickly transform your golf game and add 20 yards to your drive!

Tips For Sand Trap Play

By Lee MacRae

Here are some golf driving tips to make your sand and bunker game better. Take a trip out to the range and see what it does for your score the next time out

In general, a sand shot should be hit with a sand wedge, with both the stance and the clubface opened wide. The idea is to hit the sand and let it carry the ball out of the bunker. You should aim to make contact with the sand about two inches behind the ball and hit under and through. An important point here; with few exceptions, you should make a full fall through.

The sand shot hit from a downhill lie is one of the toughest of all. Here's how to hit it; the key is ball position. As with other downhill shots, you should play the ball back in your stance, in this case roughly opposite your right foot. Next, swing the club up abruptly, breaking your wrists. Keeping your legs and torso steady, hit into the sand 2 inches behind the ball. Follow through normally. There is not much margin for error on this shot, so once you've picked a spot where you want the club to make contact with the sand, concentrate on hitting that exact spot and followed through.

The longer bunker shot is one of the easiest shots to play and one of the most satisfying in the is entire game. Here are the six fundamentals of the bunker shot:

1. Choke down on the grip of the club to compensate for having to dig your feet into the sand to anchor your body.

2. Do not move the legs during a swing.

3. Take two or sometimes three extra clubs to make up for distance loss by the arms-and-hands-only swing. If you're within reach of the green, take as much club as you'll need for the ball to land near the hole. Because you're hitting down in to the back of the ball, the ball should have enough spin on it to stop quickly.

4. Play the ball in the middle of your stance so you can make contact before the bottom of your swing arc.

5. Always hit the ball first.

6. Don't ground your club. That's a two-stroke penalty.

Knowing the basic techniques of bunker sand play and understanding the subtleties of the various problems you can encounter will actually lead you to even enjoy the play from a sand bunker. I'm sure these tips will help you to enjoy your next round of golf.

About the author

Lee MacRae runs several online stores where you can find a great golf training aids or a great golf wedge today!

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