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Monday, April 07, 2008

Golf Putting Aids Information

Golf Article Of The Month

If you want a great golf swing then get this Simple Golf Swing eBook

How To Improve Your Golf Swing

By Tim Gorman

So you need a little help with your golf swing. This article will give you some tips that may help with golf swing improvement. Golf swing improvement is an important consideration when you are serous about the game.

Golf swing improvement tip #1: You need to have self confidence. Without self-confidence the likelihood of golf swing improvement is not very good.

Golf swing improvement tip #2: Don�t worry about what others think or say about your golf swing. Think about how you feel about your swing and then work to improve it.

Golf swing improvement tip #3: Develop a positive attitude about your golf swing.

Golf swing improvement tip #4: You may not feel relaxed but you can learn to play whether you are relaxed or not.

Golf swing improvement tip #5: If you have problems with your left knee buckling when you swing, try imagining that you are holding a basketball between your knees.

Golf swing improvement tip #6: Don�t swing too quickly. Figure out a rhythm and stick with it.

Golf swing improvement tip #7: Remember to use the muscles in your legs and trunk. Using your wrists only will not produce the swing you need.

Golf swing improvement tip #8: If it is breezy it is not going to do you any good to hit the ball harder. Try hitting the ball lower.

Golf swing improvement tip #9: Work on a golf swing that has good balance and a very smooth tempo.

Golf swing improvement can occur with a little mental and physical work.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of Golf-Swing-Improvement.com. He provides more golf putting, golf swinging and [http://www.golf-swing-improvement.com]golf game improvement tips that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

Thoughts On Golf

Snap It For More Power
The powerful tension built up in the backswing needs to be unleashed into the ball. Before the club finishes at the top, the body must begin moving toward impact with the arms and club lagging behind (the body should drag the arms and club, not vice versa). The unwinding body should stop sharply before contact, whipping the arms and club powerfully into impact.
...Golf Tips magazine

A Rehearsal Routine for Hitting Pinpoint Pitches and Chips
How you make a practice swing when chipping from off the green is especially critical. First of all, you're not just trying to calculate how far you need to hit the ball, you're also trying to determine how high the ball should fly and how much roll you want it to have. Also, a practice stroke helps you to assess the lie, which can range from having a ball that's sunken down in the rough to one sitting high on the collar. All these variables come into play when making a practice swing, which is why I think it's critical that every golfer learn a constant preshot technique.
...Golf Link

Come to the Golf Course with Strategy in the Bag
Every good golfer knows that golf is not all about mechanics. There is a strategy to playing the game, and the golfer who develops the best strategy has a much better chance of coming out on top. There are ways to prepare yourself before you get to the course�and ways to react to conditions within a round�that will save you trouble and give you an advantage most golfers fail to seize.
...by T.J. Tomasi, Ph.D.
Hitting behind the ball or too high on the ball.
This is often caused by swaying during the swing. Any side-to-side or up and down head movement should be avoided. To get the right feel, hit some practice shots with feet together. During your weight shift, concentrate on keeping the weight On your right foot on the inside of your foot. Check your progress by taking practice swings with sun behind you and watching your shadow. Don't let the clubface get ahead of your hands at impact. To avoid hitting chips and pitches fat: Don't sole the club at address. Use an open, narrow stance. Keep arms connected to chest and rotate body rather than sliding hips laterally and jabbing at the ball with your hands. Focus eyes on front of ball, with weight on front foot and wrists ahead of ball at address and through impact. Be sure to make a complete follow-through.
...Tom's golf tips

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