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Monday, February 25, 2008

Headline News About Golf

Our Featured Golf Writer

If you want a great swing then get this Simple Golf Swing amazing eBook

Full Golf Swing - How To Generate More Power In Your Swing

By: Dean Caporella

Achieving a full golf swing as a senior player becomes more and more difficult the older one gets. Naturally, distance will wane over time but accuracy shouldn't and hitting the ball straight shouldn't be an issue if you've been playing the game for any length of time.

However, many senior players cite shortening distance as their main issue and dream of the times they used to be able to belt the ball over considerable ground.

This article is not going to turn you into the world's longest hitter but will help you maintain a full golf swing and help you maximize the greatest amount of power into your shot.

Winding Up For A Big Golf Swing

Achieving greater distance has a lot to do with the fullness of the golf swing. Many players will check their swings too early before coming down on the ball. They do this by fighting the bend of the elbow. If you're a right-hander that bend is in the right arm and vice-versa for a left-hander.

By preventing the elbow from bending naturally as you draw back on your shot is preventing you from taking a full wind-up and hence, by the time the club has made impact with the ball, the power generated won't be as great as it would have been if the elbow bend wasn't resisted.

The secret is to make sure your arms are flexible during the pre-swing period and to let the elbow bend naturally.

Overcoming Inflexibility

For older players, it's not so much resisting the elbow bend which affects their ability to get distance but it's more a matter of waning flexibility and diminishing power.

The older one gets the more the tendency is to hunch over. This only serves to restrict your turning ability thus affecting your power. Instead, practice standing straighter. Bending the knees ever so slightly, make sure your back is straight and you are bending forward until your club is in the contact position with the ball.

Practice this until you are comfortable with it and then take it to the practice range. The idea with this technique is to allow those older players who don't quite possess the flexibility anymore, to be able to take a full golf swing at the ball without compromising their accuracy. The club will swing in a more vertical motion because of the straighter stance.

Yes, it may feel awkward at first but remember, it's really only a minor adjustment in terms of the way you stand over the ball and shouldn't present any problems in it's correct execution.

Article Source: http://www.bettergolfarticles.com

Additional Info On Golf Today

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There are different variations to a golf driver and players will use them where appropriate. In a standard bag of clubs there are usually three... 1,3 and 5 wood however, the more experienced a player is, the more likely their golf quipment will contain more drivers. The head of the club is a topic of discussion. The larger heads are coming more into vogue today for several reasons.

golf equipment

There is a sprinkler system over the course to keep the grass green and fresh. Blower system is also present that sucks away any dirt and fallen leaves present on the golf course. There are many of the course equipment that neither we nor the player have ever listened. Nevertheless, howsoever these equipments need to purchase to maintain and keep the golf course up to date. Many people forget that there are certain equipments that are quite vital for water holes in a golf course.

golf swing trainers

Now, putting pads and various practice aids have been around for a very long time. You can choose from kits ranging from a simple pad and a cup or those offering such tools as ball return. Regardless of your selection, you can get that extra advantage of some practice time right in your living room or office.
To learn more go to golf clubs.

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golf club
beginners golf training aids



Anonymous Anonymous said...

that was a great article...thank you

4:15 PM  

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