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Saturday, March 08, 2008

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Golf Training Aids - Teaching Your Kids Golf

By: Terry Edwards

More and more children than at any time before are wanting to learn how to play golf. Why? Tiger Woods may have something to do with that. He has popularized the game of golf among children of all ages.

It seems that kids are finding out what the adults already know: golf is a lot of fun! As your children may enjoy banging out golf balls with one of your golf clubs, where do you start in developing their skills? Here are some helpful golf training aids in giving your child a head start in learning to play golf.

Get Them In A Class
One of the most important things you can do for your child is to enroll them in a golf class. Let the professionals teach them the right golf teaching tools. Many local golf courses have golf instructional classes just for kids. There is also no need to rush out and purchase a set of golf clubs for your child. The class will provide the golf clubs for them. Not only will you save some money right now, but it will give you time to find out if your child truly enjoys the game of golf or not. The last thing you want to do is go out and spend a few hundred dollars on golf clubs only to find out later that your child doesn't like golf after all.

Be Patient
This tip is an important one for both you and your child. Have patience with your child. It's so easy to want to see your child start pounding long bombs like John Daly and sinking 30 foot putts. For them to enjoy golf and want to continue learning the game they need your support. Let them progress at their own rate. The golf classes will do a world of good in helping to develop their own skills.

While your out hitting golf balls on the driving range, be sure and give your child a lot of encouragement, even if they are spraying balls all over the range. They will pick up the finer points of the game later as they grow older. Take a moment and think about how it was for you when you first started out.

After your child has taken some classes and shows a real interest in the game of golf, then go ahead and get them there own set of golf clubs. Gave your child fitted properly. Of course, since they will be continually growing in height and weight, understand that the clubs you buy today may be too small within a year or two at the most.

Have Fun
Take the time that you spend golfing with your children as a time of bonding. Enjoy yourselves and the time you're out on the course. Use this time to develop good communication with your child. Talk about other issues going on other than golf. You'll be surprised at how the golf course can help you and your children bond together. It will spill over into other areas of their lives as well.

You can find more FREE tips and information on golf at www.golf.infofroma-z.com

Thoughts On Golf

Golf Putters

When you want to get some extra distance out of your drives, it�s natural to think that your right or dominant hand (for right-handed golfers) should supply the power. In reality, however, maximum power is a result of a left-hand lead.
For more information go to golf

Golf Club

Don't grip the club too tightly. A tight grip inhibits a smooth swing and follow-though. Also, keep the grips on your clubs in good condition. Worn grips force you to hold the club too tightly. Replace the grips on your clubs as they get worn and smooth. When first learning the grip, keep a club around the house and practice gripping and regripping the club a few minutes each day. Remember to keep fingers secure and arms relaxed.
To learn more go to golf

Golf Instruction

To develop a simple, comfortable and effective grip. Your grip is the foundation of your golf swing. Make sure your grip is comfortable. It is important to develop a neutral grip that requires no compensations during the swing. The orthodox position with the V.s of both hands (formed by the forefinger and the thumb) pointing between the chin and right shoulder is a good place to start. Very few good players have grips with the V.s pointing very far from this position. If you want a little stronger grip move the left hand over to the right a little.
To learn more go to golf

Golf Drivers

Once the motion in your swing has started, there should be no interruption. It should be a smooth flowing motion from start to finish; not a series of abrupt actions. To teach your muscles the proper feel is to realize that the physical movements of the body determine how one swings the club. This is why a correct grip is extremely important since it's the only contact you have with the club and controls the clubface angle.
To find out more just go to golf equipment

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.

9:39 AM  

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