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Thursday, April 10, 2008

All The Golf Putter Updates

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Golf Clubs and Golf Wedges

by Gordon Petten

It was during 1980 that the golf clubs started gaining popularity. As more and more people were attracted towards golf clubs, this aspect led to improvements of golf club construction and design. The basic improvements were made in the following aspects. * Making the ball to go straighter and making the golf club to compensate for swing error. This is known as forgiveness in golf terminology. * Enable the golf ball to move further and property of hard hitting of the golf club. This is termed as distance.

The basic principle of the golf is 'hit farther and straighter. Perimeter weighing, designing the golf club with low center of gravity and large sweet spot are the basic criteria of a golf club. Golf clubs which posses the above qualities is termed as game improvement golf club. However, there are only few golf clubs that meets the criteria. After having understood the basic requirements of game improvement golf clubs, let us elaborate about these basic criteria. * Perimeter Weighting: In simple words perimeter weighting indicates that the weight of the golf club is not positioned at the center and the head is positioned around the perimeter of golf club. Small spot is the basic requirement for heating hard the ball at perfect dead center. This small sweet spot allows you to put more physical force on the golf ball impact point. This facilitates you in hitting a longer shot. Perimeter weighting is considered essential for optimum forgiveness attribute of the golf club. * Low Center of Gravity: Popularity of low center gravity golf clubs is on increase in the golfers. Designing golf clubs with concept of low center of gravity enables hitting the golf ball high into the air as the weight is shifted to the club bottom. Golfer who do not have problem in hitting the golf ball high in the air may not give more importance to the property of low center gravity. But for those who have problem in the hitting golf ball high in the air, lower center of gravity plays major role in improving their game. Tungsten golf clubs pay more attention towards low center of gravity as tungsten is considered heavier that steel and tungsten allows golf club to have more weight. * Large Sweet Spot: Usually, the large sweet spot is created with the design of perimeter weighting. This is the important place to make contact with the golf ball. Larger sweet spot is considered to be swing errors increasing. Shifting of perimeter weighting is considered to be the best way to hit the ball high in the air and correcting toe-miss-hits.

Golf Wedges Golf wedges usually comes in different degree lofts. Most preferred degree loft wedges are 46, 52, 56, 60 and 64 degree lofts. Following are the few types of golf wedges. * Gun metal golf wedges: These golf wedges are with 65 degree loft. Gun metal wedges bears sophisticated and sleek look. It gives slippery feel though this will not have any effect on your game. * Designer Wedges: These golf wedges are color coded and colors are suggestive of degree lofts. For example Green (64), Red (60), Blue(56), Yellow (52) and Bronze (46). These golf wedges have proprietary Plasma finish.

Usually, specifications of all golf wedges are identical. You have to choose the right golf wedge that will facilitate you to hit the ball hard and straight.

Golf Clubs and Golf Wedges

Golf Snippets

Putting Tip
Wanna be a good putter? Here are some basic fundamentals you should be practicing.
--Get a putter with a very distinct line marked on it to indicate the target line and practice with a chalk line. You can get a chalk line at any hardware store for 5 or 6 bucks, and it's as valuable a training aid as there is anywhere. Find a putt on the practice green that is straight. Snap a chalk line down from about 5 or 6 feet to the middle of the cup. Make sure that the entire length of the line on your putter is exactly on the chalk line. Start making putts. This will train your eyes to "see square" precisely.
--Keep your the pressure in your hands soft and constant throughout the stroke. Sensitivity is obviously a huge part of putting. If your hands are tight on the grip you are diminishing your sensitivity - period. Also, if your grip pressure changes during the stroke, it's probably not "a stroke" but more likely a jab, flinch, spasm, push, hit ... well, you get the point -- good luck with that kind of technique.
--There is no independent action in the hands. Nothing could be more logical: If you do indeed have the putter face aligned precisely, as in the first point above, the last thing you'd want to do is to change the position of the face. Therefore, your hands should not be moving independently of your arms and shoulders. To see if your hands are moving, as a drill try watching your hands very carefully (instead of the ball) a few times. You'll see what your hands are doing quite easily.
There are many more (seemingly endless) details about putting, of course, but if you turn these fundamental concepts into habits it will take you a long way toward being a consistently good putter
...PGA professional golf

The Grain affects the roll! Grain is mostly seen on the fringe of the green. Putts with grain roll faster and farther, against the grain slower and not so far. Check from both sides of your ball as well as behind the ball when lining up. The appearance of the grass shows the grain. If it looks shiny the grain is away from you. If dull, the grain is towards you.
...World Golf

Set up your shots correctly
You won't get very far in a car without knowing how to use its controls. And it's exactly the same for golf. It's really no more complicated than feeling comfortable and balanced over the ball. The first place to start is making sure you aim correctly. As a general rule, you should keep club face square to the target. The exception to this is when you are deliberately trying to hook or slice the ball. It should be square to your body - wherever you are in your backswing. Try stopping your club at a variety of positions in your swing. The most important thing to remember is that the club head should be square to your body at all times.
...BBC golf

I have a drill that may work for you when practicing your putting stroke called the Tap stroke. To learn this stroke pretend there is a tack stuck in the back of the ball and when you make your stroke have the putter head drive the tack further into the ball. This will encourage you to hit the ball with more authority which with this shorter stroke there will be less chance of the putter blade getting out of what is called square position. So start getting "Tacky" on the greens!
...World Golf

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